Conferencias 2023

Nuevos Avances en Química

Hexagonal Planar Complexes: Structure, Bonding, and Catalytic Relevance

Mark R. Crimmin graduated from Imperial College London in 2004 and completed a MSc by research in organic synthesis at Bristol University under the supervision of Prof. Aggarwal. He received his PhD. in main group chemistry and catalysis from Imperial College London in 2008 supervised by Prof. Mike Hill (now at Bath) and Prof. Tony Barrett. Postdoc with  Prof. Bob Bergman and Prof. Dean Toste.

In 2011, he returned to London as a Royal Society University Research Fellow, initially at University College London and now back at Imperial. He was appointed as a lecturer in 2011, Senior Lecturer in 2016, Reader in Organometallic Chemistry in 2019, and full Professor in 2021. He is lead coordinator for the Synthesis and Catalysis Theme within Imperial Chemistry Download



2005 Evans Medal of Imperial College London.

2008 Research Fellowship from the Royal Commission of the Exhibition of 1851.

2010 Royal Society University Research Fellowship. (success rate ~8 %)

2015 European Research Council Starting Grant. (success rate ~10 %)

2017 Harrison–Meldola Memorial Prize (RSC). The prize is given annually to three scientists (age <34) who demonstrate the most meritorious and promising original investigations in chemistry and published results of those investigations

2020 Chemistry of the Transition Metals Award (RSC). This prize is awarded biennially to one scientist to recognise outstanding research in any aspect of the chemistry of d- and f-block elements

2020 European Research Council Consolidator Grant. (success rate ~8 %, this award was the only one made to a chemist (PE-5 panel) in the UK in this year).